November Update

Sorry to not post updates here more regularly — I’ll try to do better in the future. We had a great Thanksgiving this year and have a lot to be thankful for — we’ve been thru some tough times, but have come out doing well and feeling grateful.

Here’s the major highlights of what’s happening here at Byte Arts LLC global headquarters :-)

  • The new ordering system is fully functional on the website and our backend processes have been updated. The whole ordering flow is better now, and I’m no longer having to fire up my PC and send emails to acknowledge each order manually. We still have some more changes to make, like automatically showing stock status in the store so you’ll know if something is in stock or not.

  • A number of upgrades have been made to the small print farm we have in our workshop, mostly related to keeping the printers (and the plastic/resin) warm enough so the printers work properly now that winter is here.

New Product Development

  • A lot of work has been done on the next version of the Strum Fix — I’ll have more to say about it soon, but I’m really excited about it as it’s the first Strum Fix that’s designed from the start to take advantage of the precision and accuracy of our resin (SLA) printers. We are currently building the first pre-production run and will be sending them out to beta testers.

  • It’s in the early stages, but we’ll have another major new product coming soon. It’s a revival of an old project which was abandoned years ago because the cost was too high, but changes in technology (especially 3D printing) make it feasible now. Here’s a hint.